Essential Maintenance Tips for Mini Golf Equipment

Introduction – Maintenence Tips for Mini Golf Courses?

Maintaining mini golf equipment is vital for its longevity, safety, and optimal playability experience. Learning about some of the essential maintenance tips for mini golf sets can make a big difference in your operation!

Proper upkeep should be on the agenda of both owners and renters of these fun, bite-sized golf courses. Without it, the framing may degrade or rust, and the playing surface may deteriorate. No one wants that.

Luckily, companies like MILCO MFG offer lightweight, durable, and easily maintainable portable mini golf courses that are perfect for any indoor or outdoor event!

Key Takeaways

  • Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your equipment.
  • Weather and usage significantly impact wear and tear.
  • Daily upkeep routines can prevent significant damage.
  • Professional inspections are essential for maintaining standards.
  • A well-kept course benefits the business reputation and customer satisfaction.
Maintenance Tips for Mini Golf Equipment

Daily Maintenance Tips for Mini Golf Courses 

Establishing a daily maintenance routine is fundamental to keeping your mini golf equipment in prime condition. 

A proactive approach like this prevents minor issues from becoming major problems.

  • Remove debris from playing surfaces to prevent damage and ensure accurate play.
  • Inspect equipment regularly for any signs of wear or damage, addressing issues promptly.
  • Check obstacles for functionality to maintain the course’s appeal and challenge level.

Now, for a full list of considerations that cover the details that may be missed – keep these in mind:

  • Implement a schedule for deep cleaning to address areas that daily routines might miss.
  • Rotate the placement of movable obstacles and features periodically to even out wear on the playing surfaces.
  • Regularly update signage and scorecards to keep them legible and in good condition to enhance the overall player experience.
  • Monitor and maintain lighting fixtures in and around the course to ensure safety and ambiance during evening play.
  • Conduct an annual audit of all equipment and facilities to plan for replacements or upgrades in the off-season.
  • Engage with a landscaping professional so the surrounding vegetation contributes positively to the course’s aesthetics and doesn’t interfere with play.
  • Test and calibrate sprinkler systems or other water features to prevent overwatering or malfunctions that could affect play areas.

Handling Wear and Tear

Wear and tear on mini golf equipment can be quite telling, showing up as faded colors, worn-out turf, and damaged or malfunctioning obstacles. 

Promptly addressing these issues is critical to maintaining an appealing and functional course. 

Strategies include regular inspections to catch and address minor issues before they escalate, applying protective coatings to prevent damage from the elements, and replacing worn parts beyond repair. 

Proactive maintenance preserves the equipment and enhances the playing experience.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Mini Golf Courses

Maintenance needs for mini golf courses shift with the seasons, requiring different approaches to ensure equipment remains in top condition year-round.

  1. Preparing equipment for winter storage: It’s vital to clean and store sensitive components properly to avoid damage from cold and moisture.
  2. Seasonal cleaning and repair tasks: Regular cleaning and detailed inspections can help identify necessary repairs, ensuring the course is ready for peak seasons.

Comparison of Upkeep with Different Course Materials


Aluminum is renowned for its durability and minimal upkeep. It is a standout material for portable mini golf courses. 

This metal resists corrosion and wear, enduring harsh weather without succumbing to rust or decay. While the upfront cost may be higher, aluminum’s longevity and low maintenance requirements offer substantial cost savings over time. Its lightweight nature facilitates easy setup and reconfiguration. 

Aluminum is an efficient choice for courses that demand flexibility and durability. (1)


Wood brings a traditional charm to mini golf courses, but it requires a significant commitment to maintenance. 

Generally vulnerable to the elements, wood can suffer from rot, insect infestation, and warping. Regular treatments, such as staining, painting, or sealing, are necessary to preserve its appearance and integrity. 

These maintenance activities, while preserving the wood’s natural beauty, contribute to ongoing costs and labor, positioning wood as a material that demands a higher level of care to withstand the test of time.


Concrete offers unparalleled durability and minimal upkeep, ideal for permanent installations. 

Its robustness against weather and heavy use makes it a low-maintenance option for course owners. However, concrete is not immune to wear; over time, it can develop cracks that require filling or resurfacing. 

Despite this, the infrequency of such maintenance tasks keeps the overall care manageable. Concrete’s permanence means less flexibility compared to portable materials like aluminum, but it makes a lasting structure with minimal care.


Plastic can be a practical material for mini golf courses, particularly for those prioritizing low maintenance and adaptability. 

It’s immune to many of the wear issues that plague wood, like rot and insect damage, and doesn’t corrode like metal. Modern plastics offer UV resistance to prevent fading and brittleness over time. The material’s inherent durability and resistance to moisture make it an appealing choice for courses that require minimal upkeep. However, while plastic is resilient, it may not convey the same premium feel or offer the longevity of materials like aluminum or concrete, potentially leading to more frequent replacements in high-traffic settings.

Professional Mini Golf Maintenance Services

Leveraging professional maintenance services offers several benefits, including expertise in handling specific maintenance needs and access to specialized tools and replacement parts. Professionals can efficiently diagnose and address issues, saving time and potentially reducing long-term maintenance costs.

DIY Maintenance vs. Professional Services:

  • Cost: DIY can be less expensive upfront but may incur higher costs if repairs are done incorrectly.
  • Time Investment: Professional services save time and ensure maintenance tasks are performed correctly.
  • Effectiveness: Professionals typically offer a higher level of service due to their expertise and access to specialized equipment.

Upgrading Your Mini Golf Equipment

Incorporating Technology

Why upgrade? 

Introducing tech into your mini golf course can transform the player experience. Think scoring apps, interactive course features, and even augmented reality. 

These upgrades can attract a tech-savvy audience and set your course apart.

Sustainable Practices

It’s also a smart move to choose eco-friendly materials and designs for new equipment. 

This approach benefits the environment and can appeal to environmentally conscious players, enhancing your course’s reputation.

Final Thoughts: Your Trusted Portable Mini Golf Course Provider

To wrap up, regular maintenance and timely upgrades are essential for the longevity and success of mini golf equipment. 

Embracing both traditional care and innovative tech solutions can make your course stand out.

Above all, we recommend choosing the best material from the start. Once you experience the benefits from high-quality aluminum portable mini golf courses, there’s no going back. You will want them at every work event and neighborhood block party you attend. The ease of access and skill-sharpening, friendly competition will make any get-together memorable.

Milco MFG, LLC is committed to providing durable, high-quality aluminum mini-golf solutions, guaranteeing our clients access to the best materials using the latest course design and technology.

Visit our homepage HERE for more information!


(1) SFH, Aluminum Care Instructions,,require%20very%20little%20maintenance.