Cost Analysis: Renting vs. Buying Portable Mini Golf Course

Introduction to Portable Mini Golf Course Options

A portable mini golf course is a versatile and engaging activity for events of all sizes. 

Event planners, businesses, and private enthusiasts often face the decision of whether to rent or buy portable mini golf equipment. Renting is often quick and easy with lower up-front costs, but if it is a recurring activity, buying may have more benefits.

Understanding the costs and benefits associated with each option can help make an informed decision. 

This article from Milco MFG, LLC explores the cost differences and how each option can maximize your time and investment. Our portable mini golf course options are made from high-quality aluminum with a lineup of durable features. They are perfect for any size venue and store easily. If you need portable mini golf courses, please consider renting or buying from Milco!

Key Takeaways

  • Cost Comparison: Renting has lower initial costs, while buying saves money in the long run.
  • Investment Benefits: Purchasing offers significant long-term cost savings and customization potential.
  • Renting Advantages: Ideal for short-term needs with lower upfront costs and flexibility.
  • Decision Factors: Evaluate how often you will use the equipment and your budget constraints.
  • Milco MFG Options: Milco MFG provides diverse rental and purchase options tailored to various event needs.
portable mini golf course

Renting A Portable Mini Golf Corse: Pros and Cons

Renting portable mini golf is ideal for those who need flexibility and want to avoid large upfront costs. 

It’s perfect for one-time events or when you need to set up quickly without the commitment of storage and maintenance. Renting allows you to choose from a variety of course designs and themes tailored to your specific event needs. 

This option is especially beneficial for event planners who manage diverse types of events and want to keep things fresh and exciting.

However, renting has downsides. Ongoing rental fees can add up, making it less cost-effective over the long term if you need the equipment frequently. 

Additionally, rental options might limit customization, meaning you may not get the exact look or feel you want for your event. 

Despite these drawbacks, renting remains a viable choice for many due to its convenience and flexibility.

Buying A Portable Mini Golf Course: Pros and Cons

Purchasing portable mini golf equipment can be a wise investment for those who plan to use it frequently. 

While the initial cost is higher, the long-term savings and customization options often outweigh the upfront expense.

Benefits of Purchasing

  • Long-term investment: Saves money over time.
  • Customization options: Tailor the equipment to fit specific themes and needs.
  • No recurring rental fees: One-time purchase eliminates ongoing costs.
  • Storage and maintenance costs: Requires space and upkeep.
  • Depreciation over time: Equipment value decreases but still provides long-term use.

Cost Breakdown: Renting vs. Buying

When deciding between renting and buying, understanding the cost implications is essential. Renting offers flexibility with lower initial costs, while buying provides long-term savings and greater control.

Cost Comparison: Portable Mini Golf Courses

ScenarioRenting CostsBuying Costs
One-time eventLowHigh
Multiple events per yearMediumMedium
Permanent installationsHighLow

Factors to Consider When Making Your Decision

Event Frequency

How often will you use the mini golf setup? 

If your events are frequent, buying might be the best option. Owning the equipment eliminates the need for repeated rentals, saving money over time. 

On the other hand, renting could be more cost-effective if you need the setup for only a few events a year.

Budget Constraints

Analyze your budget for upfront costs versus ongoing expenses. 

Renting requires a lower initial investment, making it suitable for tight budgets. However, if you have the capital upfront, buying can be more economical in the long run. Weigh the immediate financial impact against potential long-term savings. (1)

Customization Needs

Consider if the customization options available with buying outweigh the limitations of renting. 

Owning the equipment allows you to tailor it to specific themes and branding, enhancing the overall event experience. Rentals might offer fewer customization options, which could limit the uniqueness of your setup.

Storage and Maintenance

Discuss the implications of storing and maintaining purchased equipment. 

Owning mini golf equipment requires adequate storage space and regular maintenance. This adds to the overall cost but ensures the equipment is always available and in good condition. Rentals relieve you of these responsibilities, as the provider handles storage and upkeep.

Comparing Rental and Purchase Options from Milco MFG, LLC

Milco MFG, LLC offers flexible options for both renting and purchasing portable mini golf equipment. 

We provide high-quality, customizable courses tailored to suit any event.

Comparison of Renting vs. Buying from Milco MFG, LLC

Initial CostLowHigh
Ongoing FeesYes, per rentalNo, one-time payment
MaintenanceIncluded in rentalOwner’s responsibility
Storage NeedsNoneRequires storage space
FlexibilityHigh, ideal for occasional eventsBest for frequent or permanent setups

Parting Words – Portable Mini Golf Courses for Rent or Purchase

Now that you have done some brainstorming about your needs, preferences, and budget, it is time to find the perfect vendor for your portable mini golf courses. Be it a family-friendly event game or a corporate office party challenge, the perfect course is waiting.

There are many options out there. Browse around and be sure to read reviews and testimonials. See if you can go and test out some of the equipment or check out YouTube (Many brands will have demonstration videos). Make sure you keep in mind your needs for storage, durability, and transportability.

Milco MFG, LLC is a reliable source for both rental and purchase options. We offer various course types, including traditional, obstacle, LED, and blacklight glow courses. Choose Milco for the best aluminum, portable mini golf courses available!


(1) Good Shuffle, Should I Rent or Buy Items for My Event?,

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